Подробнее: У участников могут возникнуть проблемы с получением лекарств в некоторых аптеках.

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Медицинское обслуживание с учетом травм в Центрах здоровья в округе Какламас


Clackamas Health Centers' staff includes doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and certified medical assistants. Their health professionals treat everything from minor injuries to serious health problems. Their mental health clinicians provide mental health assessments and treatment. Dental staff provide comprehensive dental care including exams, X-rays, cleanings and fillings. Clackamas Health Centers is a division of Health, Housing and Human Services (H3S).


CareOregon Dental supplied $197,347 in funding and provided ongoing technical assistance and support to Clackamas Health Center (CHC) throughout the two-year project duration. CHC strives to provide high-quality and comprehensive patient care. CHC has made the integration of primary care, dental and behavioral health a high priority. The goal of this project was to improve patient care for individuals seeking dental services by transitioning their dental clinics into trauma-informed clinics. By implementing a trauma-informed approach universally, CHC hoped to reduce the patient anxiety that is often associated with dental treatment, improve the no-show rates in their dental clinics, and increase rates of completed treatment. Their staff was trained on trauma-informed care and clinic policies will be modified to allow the implementation of trauma-informed practices.


  • Establish a trauma informed dental workgroup
  • Implement use of Dental Anxiety Scale
  • Analysis of comfort items pilot
  • Train staff in trauma-informed care
  • Develop and implement an environmental assessment, plan and clinic modifications
  • Implement a comfort items pilot
  • Design and implement a workflow for Dental to Behavioral Health referral process
  • Develop policy and procedure documentation for Trauma-Informed Dental care
  • Implement warm handoff strategy
  • Develop environmental plan and implement environment modifications for Beavercreek and Sunnyside clinics
  • Complete policy and procedure documentation for trauma-informed dental care
  • Develop and administer staff questionnaire to measure staff knowledge of TIC
  • Implement warm hand off to behavioral health
  • Refer patients to behavioral health
  • Improve processes allowing for increased number of referrals completed between dental and behavioral Health

Clackamas County Health Centers - Resources

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