CareOregon Dental supplied $283,532 in funding and provided ongoing technical assistance and support to Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD) throughout the two-year project duration. MCHD aimed to improve preventive health outcomes for children through strengthening dental and primary care coordination and integration. MCHD's Baby Day clinics were a focal point to increase the number of co-engaged children obtaining needed immunizations.
- Hire certified medical assistant
- Train Baby Day staff
- Implement First Tooth, immunizations at Baby Day and co-located warm handoffs
- Assemble and engage Dental-Primary Care Immunization Workgroup (DPCIW) Leadership
- Develop and implement plans and workflows:
- Workflow to identify and document children with an immunization gap
- Workflows for immunizations at Baby Day
- Operational project plan
- Sustainability plan
- Performance management plan
- Monitoring and evaluation plans
- Quality assurance and quality improvement plans